If you drive a car, then you need to have insurance. Almost all states require basic liability auto insurance. As a driver, you may opt to get a few optional auto insurance types. In this article, we’ll review comprehensive and full-coverage auto insurance.
Comprehensive auto insurance is optional and can supplement your basic liability insurance. Full coverage auto insurance is a type of insurance policy that includes many insurance types, including liability and comprehensive auto insurance. The professionals at City Centre Insurance Agency LLC, servicing Houston, TX, can help you determine which type is right for you. Here’s what you need to know.
What is Comprehensive Auto Insurance?
Comprehensive auto insurance is a type of auto insurance that will pay to repair or replace damage to your vehicle that is not caused by a collision. An example of this would be if your car burned up in a wildfire. Under these circumstances, comprehensive auto insurance would pay to repair or replace your vehicle. Comprehensive auto insurance can also pay to replace your vehicle if it is stolen.
What Is Full Coverage Auto Insurance?
Full coverage auto insurance is a type of auto insurance that includes basically all types of auto insurance policies, including basic liability and comprehensive auto insurance. It will pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it is damaged in a collision, no matter who is at fault.
Full coverage auto insurance will also pay to repair or replace a damaged vehicle if you cause a collision. It also includes all the protections that come with comprehensive auto insurance (described above).
Are you not sure which type of auto insurance is right for you? Contact the professionals at City Centre Insurance Agency LLC, servicing Houston, TX. We can help!